
Stop Looking At Your Belly Button Now...Just STOP It!

By haystack

Dear Republican Congresscritter:
We have been yelling and screaming at you people for the last 6 plus years, and our voices are getting raspy and hoarse. I, personally, am sick and tired of it. I'm considering writing about Texas sunsets and our hummingbird migration patterns just to recapture some inner peace given you respond to us about as well as what I get when I tell my rooster to stop crowing so darned early in the morning.
He keeps running his head to an audience of no one, and you guys are accomplishing about as much - those of you actually SAYING anything at least."
Where you have put me now is NOT where I want to be, so get back up on the horse, and get to ridin'. That's what you expect of US, and so it shall be with you guys-get to work, and fix this mess before we ALL look down at our belly buttons and mumble to ourselves like you seem to be doing just now.

More... Stop Looking At Your Belly Button Now...Just STOP It! Redstate:

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